August 22, 2008

A major update!

I am currently in my office working (thinking about the football game I am going to tonight), on a friday, and Susan is filling out insurance papers (health, life, and dental, YIPPEY)! It is weird being an adult, but we are both long overdue! I think that is the biggest shock of marriage and moving. We are no longer in the young culture of the Dallas area.

Humboldt has been good to us, and we are beginning to get our house in order. Susan's mother and sisters are coming labor day, and you can bet it will be fixed up then. When they are here we plan to take better pictures of the house and will post them, and we have not recieved our wedding pictures.

Susan and I were fortunate enough to be able to go to Oahu, Hawaii, and it was incredible! We stayed in the Makaha Valley. on the northwest side of the island. We did as much as we possibly could on the island, drove around the thing, surfed, hiked up two mountains, eat a lot of fish tacos, enjoy the beach, went to pearl harbor, and many more. We had a great start to our marriage!


Melodie said...

ahh nice change on the blog. so glad to FINALLY see pictures from the honeymoon. i have been checking daily for them. so let's see more!

The Myers said...

Yea! I'm so glad you now have a FAMILY blog. I'd rather see pictures of Susan than you anyways. :) No seriously, we've been thinking about y'all and are happy to know that you are settled and loving Humbolt. We miss you terribly but are so excited to see how the Lord is going to use y'all.